Different Materials Serve Specific Applications
Xylan coated bolts are just one example of how critical specifications are. It's important to remember that different applications have equally different requirements. Different industries set their own standards. Each application demands specific properties. Just to further illustrate the point, let's take the A193 B7 Stud as another example. The ASTM A193 specification in general includes materials which are meant to be used in applications wherein they will be subjected to high pressure and high temperature among others.
Each material is formed and designed in a particular manner because it's meant to serve a certain purpose. An anchor bolt, coated bolt, metal stud and any other material for that matter are basically not created equal and that is evident in the distinct characteristics that they have. They're made by taking into account the things which help determine the right components that must make up their composition. One of such things is the conditions to which they'll be exposed to.
Materials selection certainly involves technicalities which require the expertise and specialised knowledge of professionals. These people work so hard to ensure that no room is left for error. They do so for the reason that they acknowledge that even an apparently negligible mistake can actually produce a huge problem later on. In a sense, they consider each aspect of a project as a part of a bigger whole and therefore treat each detail-big or small-as equally significant as the rest.
The central idea is that the materials are not created equal. Specifications guide and standards lay down the rules. We need to know the challenges or in this case, the technical concerns which must be taken into proper account in order for us to establish the needs and find the appropriate solutions we can possibly employ.